Wellness Star beWell Champion Sponsor
$125 Wellness Star beWell Champion:
*Seating for 1 at the Sponsors Appreciation Gala with Star Swag.
and Name on the on-site Sponsors Festival Welcome Banner,
if received at least 1 week prior to the event. There will also be a
sign in banner for those attending at the last minute that will be
signed at the Gala and displayed during the weekend.
*Space is available if sponsor wishes to have information at the
Festival beWell Arts Information Table.
*Thank you for making it happen!!! In addition to knowing that YOU are a Wellness Champion - All beWell Champion Sponsors are invited to the beWell Arts Festival Sponsors Appreciation Gala evening under the tent in the Gilchrist Museum of the Arts Gardens, plus select Star Swag, including a beWell Arts Festival T-Shirt. All sponsors at all levels who are registered by September 14th*, will be listed on the beWell Arts Festival Welcome Banner on site at the event. *There will also be a sign-in banner for those attending the Sponsors’ Gratitude Gala that will be signed at the event and displayed during the weekend.